Saturday 21 June 2008

BIG BROTHER: Alex Accuses Mohamed Of Mocking Muslim Faith

There was tension in the Big Brother house yesterday after part of Mohamed’s Diary Room chat about Alex’s Muslim-driven refusal to take part in his birthday celebrations were accidentally aired to the rest of the house.

Having thrown a cross-dressing party for the housemates, Alex took offence and refused to dress up as a man claiming that it went against her Muslim beliefs.

She then accused Mohammed of not abiding by his religion, and went on an angry tirade after hearing part of his private chat broadcast in the house.

Alex heard Big Brother ask him: "How did it make you feel that Alexandra didn't join in tonight?"

The Accounts Exec initially laughed but then quickly fumed: "Oh my f*cking gosh. I'm getting p*ssed off with that sh*t, why is it always me?"

When Mohamed returned from his chat, she confronted him by shouting: "I don't expect you to be wearing tights, a bra, and a face full of slap. Some things are going too far. That's why I said 'How would your mother feel?' You know there are some things we shouldn't be doing."

Mohamed replied: "At the end of the day, this is me. I'm not gay, I'm straight. I'm having fun with my friends. I'm enjoying myself."

Alex then asked him about what she had overheard saying: "Did you think that it was alright to single me out in the Diary Room then? Well, did ya?"

As Alex became increasingly aggressive, Big Brother called her into the Diary Room before things got out of hand.

Will the housemates ever rest while Alex in still in the house? Be sure to leave your comments below.